Adventure and Survival
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to survive the sinking of the Titanic? Would you know what to do in a category 5 hurricane? In 4th grade we kick off the year with amazing stories of survival and adventure.
Worm Dive ~ Minute to Win it
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Have you ever thought about how animals survive in different environments? How is the Arctic Tundra where the polar bear lives different from the Tropical Rain Forest? In 4th grade we learn about the different environments around the world, and the plants and animals that live there.
Long Tongue Adaptation ~ Minute to Win it
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Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to walk on the moon? What planet intrigues you the most? Would you like to visit space or just view it though your telescope at home? In 4th grade we discover the amazing planets beyond ours.
Bubble in a Black Hole ~ Minute to Win it
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Greek Mythology
Who is Hercules or Medusa? Doesn't it seem crazy to think of a woman with SNAKES for hair or a man who rode a horse with wings? In 4th grade we get to learn about the exciting stories that Greeks told many years ago to explain our world that science had yet to explain.
Toilet Paper Toga ~ Minute to Win it
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