Platte Valley Genre Study in 4th Grade!
I am so excited to begin our genre study of Greek Mythology! In this unit you will read many Greek myths and learn about the mythical creatures within the myth. . You will also learn about the Greek Gods. You will explore ancient Greek society. Together we will read The Lightning Thief by Rick Riodan. By the end of this unit you will have created a notebook that includes information on: Gods, Myths, Greek Society, and Myths of Other Cultures. As a culminating project you will write your own myth narrative using a familiar character in greek mythology or one you created. The narrative will explain a natural phenomenon and use dialogue. Your narrative must have a clear plot with a beginning, middle, and end. If time allows you will participate in a "wax museum" presentation that enlightens visitors with your new found knowledge.
Reading Block
12:45-1:00 Step 1 (Wide Reading)
Grade Level Instruction
1:00- 1:30 Read Lightning Thief
1:30- 2:00 Whole Group Lesson (Greek Mythology)
Independent Work (student work in notebooks as they read)
2:00-2:15 Step 2 (Greek Mythology)
2:15-2:30 Step 3 (Greek Mythology)
2:30-2:55 Writing/Notebook
Grade Level Instruction
1:00- 1:30 Read Lightning Thief
1:30- 2:00 Whole Group Lesson (Greek Mythology)
Independent Work (student work in notebooks as they read)
2:00-2:15 Step 2 (Greek Mythology)
2:15-2:30 Step 3 (Greek Mythology)
2:30-2:55 Writing/Notebook