Chapter 10 (31 minutes) I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
Each God has a symbol and a special weapon. As you learn about each weapon and symbol think about why the people of Greece choose those to represent that god or goddess.
1. Tableau (frozen scene) -- This is a fun way to get kids out of
their seats, appeal to kinesthetic learners, and help kids remember major
scenes from the book. It's a good idea to model this with a sample scene and
volunteer students first. Call up four or five kids and announce that you are
the sculptor. Pick a scene from The Lightning Thief and assign the
students parts. For instance, you might choose Grover appearing at the cabin
door in the middle of a storm. Tell students how to pose and then order them to
freeze in place. Grover could mime standing in a doorway, looking terrified.
Sally could be holding the door, looking at Percy in horror, and Percy could be
in bed, staring at Grover's hooves. Other students could be the Minotaur
approaching, or even the wind or the door. Give the scene a title, like
"Midnight Surprise," and explain who is who. Finally, instruct each
student to begin saying their characters thoughts aloud as soon as you touch
them on the shoulder, and to keep talking until you touch their shoulder
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In Storm Runners when the bus flips over is considered the Climax of the book. Do you think Percy's incident with the bus might be the climax of Lighting Thief?